Thursday, May 15, 2014

Mommy Wars

Posted by Emily at 8:33 PM

I'm trying so hard to stop nursing people's parenting choices. I have become pretty good about letting things I don't do/Fox doesn't like that other parents do not phase me. Honestly, I don't care how people raise their kids. Yea, when I hear a woman yelling at her 3 year old to shut up, it strikes a nerve. I did yell at a 6 year old once after he through water balloons at me pregnant, punched my niece twice, and knocked her glasses off. Oh and called me an old fat hag. Um I'm his mother's age, 27. Needless to say, who am I to judge that.
Sometimes a patent is wrong, but intervening in front of a child can damage their parent structure. I know I hate the barrage of crap my mother says, "you need to get him on a bottle, is that how he goes to sleep, i thought you weren't going to spoil him" stfu!
I am rambling but what prompted this was feeding my son food. What my son likes, is what we do. It is what works for us. In the beginning, I wanted to do baby lead weaning but I just didn't feel comfortable with it. Maybe it is because I haven't seen it. Mostly it was because I remembered a presentation I did on the human microbiome. In it I talked about how many ways in which mothers would transfer flora to their babies, many of the practices we hardly do (vaginal birth/bowel movement while pushing, breastfeeding, premastication). Having found research to back both sides, I followed what I felt was right. We spoon fed and I even introduced oat cereal. For us, I really want the iron boost and believe the research backing the digestive power of my son's gut. If just two months ago you would have asked me, I would have touted something different. Research can be found to back any thing you decide to do, as long as you are comfortable and knowledgeable about your choice, go forth confident but don't have mine.


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